Financial Freedom vs. Financial Independence: Key Differences and How to Work Towards Both


Financial Freedom vs. Financial Independence: Key Differences and How to Work Towards Both Working towards financial independence can often be a lifelong process. But for many, financial freedom may come far sooner—and include some fun along the way. What are the differences between financial independence and financial freedom, and what steps can [...]

Financial Freedom vs. Financial Independence: Key Differences and How to Work Towards Both2022-06-27T03:47:43+00:00

The Simple Life – 3 Tips for Simplifying Your Financial Life


The Simple Life: 3 Tips for Simplifying Your Financial Life If you sometimes feel like your financial life has too many moving parts, you may be looking for ways to get back to the basics—without letting anything slip through the cracks. Fortunately, simplifying your finances does not have to be a hassle. [...]

The Simple Life – 3 Tips for Simplifying Your Financial Life2022-06-27T03:44:42+00:00

Understanding the FIRE Movement


Understanding the FIRE Movement Financial Independence / Retire Early – Is it suitable for you? There has been a lot of chatter about the FIRE movement – Financial Independence / Retire Early – over the last few years and you’re probably wondering whether it’s suitable for you and your family. The real [...]

Understanding the FIRE Movement2022-06-27T03:39:58+00:00

Nurses and Insurance Considerations


Nurses and Insurance Considerations Being a nurse comes with many challenges, both in their profession and everyday life. Nurses should consider their need for insurance a bit more carefully than some other professions. In today's society, lawsuits are prevalent, and unfortunately, the medical industry is one of the main areas under attack [...]

Nurses and Insurance Considerations2022-06-27T03:33:03+00:00

Are You Maximizing 401K Contributions?


Are You Maximizing 401(k) Contributions? The more money that you can save when you are working, the easier it should be for you to retire and enjoy your golden years. Unfortunately, Social Security may no longer provide a sufficient income to live on during retirement. To combat this financial challenge, many small [...]

Are You Maximizing 401K Contributions?2022-06-23T00:13:19+00:00

A Bear Market is Officially Here


A Bear Market is Officially Here Dear Valued Investor, A bear market is officially here thanks largely to stubbornly high inflation. For many of us, it has probably felt like a bear market for a while now, but the S&P 500 Index didn’t close more than 20% below its January 3 record [...]

A Bear Market is Officially Here2022-06-15T19:34:02+00:00

5 Things That May Slow the Housing Market in 2022


5 Things That May Slow the Housing Market in 2022 If you're in the market for a new home in 2022, you may be wondering if the housing market boom will continue throughout this year. While 2021 saw home prices increase double-digits in some parts of the country, experts say that home [...]

5 Things That May Slow the Housing Market in 20222022-06-15T00:40:26+00:00

Congratulations Graduates-What are your next steps financially?


Congratulations Graduates-What are your next steps financially? Summer weather has begun (in many places), and graduation time has arrived. Across the country, students are finishing their high school, college, and even graduate school lives, after years of hard work, stress, excitement, and even some boredom. Graduation is a time to celebrate. But [...]

Congratulations Graduates-What are your next steps financially?2022-06-09T05:18:04+00:00

6 Self-Care Strategies for Nurses


6 Self-Care Strategies for Nurses With the pandemic causing staffing shortages and full hospitals, many nurses work multiple shifts for days without a break. It may come as no surprise that nurse burnout rates are high, with many people struggling to keep going. Understandably, nurses are finding it difficult to put themselves [...]

6 Self-Care Strategies for Nurses2022-06-08T00:44:35+00:00

Helping the High School Graduating Class of 2022


Helping the High School Graduating Class of 2022 Remember HIPPA kicks in now that your senior is considered an adult The spring ritual of high school graduations is here. But graduates and their parents often are poorly prepared to meet the practicalities of the youngsters’ sudden entry into adulthood, from making medical [...]

Helping the High School Graduating Class of 20222022-06-07T16:28:22+00:00

Contact Info

391 N. Main St. Suite 107 Corona, CA 92880

Phone: 951-465-6409

Bob Chitrathorn Providence Wealth Planning
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