5 Must-Have Items for Your Financial First Aid Kit


5 Must-Have Items for Your Financial First Aid Kit Every year, around 3 million Americans are required to evacuate their homes due to a natural disaster.1 What's more, this figure does not include the millions of other individuals who are temporarily displaced as a result of fire, flood, or other damage to their homes. Do [...]

5 Must-Have Items for Your Financial First Aid Kit2023-08-31T22:36:46+00:00

Football, Finances, and Fumbles: What to Do When Life Calls an Audible


Football, Finances, and Fumbles: What to Do When Life Calls an Audible Are you a football fan? If so, you understand the significance of an audible call at the line of scrimmage and how sometimes you are also forced to call an audible in life. Modern football has evolved since the late 19th century when [...]

Football, Finances, and Fumbles: What to Do When Life Calls an Audible2023-08-31T22:34:03+00:00

Are You Prepared for a 30 Year Retirement?


Are You Prepared for a 30 Year Retirement? The good news? Retirees are living longer. The bad news? Many aren’t planning for it financially. Life expectancy is a key piece of retirement planning. After all, you'll need to estimate your lifespan to determine how much money you'll need to retire comfortably. Many pre-retirees speculate on [...]

Are You Prepared for a 30 Year Retirement?2023-08-29T19:22:35+00:00

Financial Basics for Millennials


Financial Basics for Millennials Millennials face financial challenges that are unique to their generation. One of the first steps in overcoming them is to understand some basic financial concepts. With age comes responsibility, so if you're a young adult in your 20s or 30s, chances are you've been introduced to the realities of adulthood. While [...]

Financial Basics for Millennials2023-07-18T17:02:13+00:00

August is National Make a Will Month


August is National Make a Will Month A timely reminder of the importance of protecting your savings, home, and family through comprehensive estate planning. I recommend you take advantage of our complimentary estate planning consultation to determine which plan is right for you. Don't wait for life's uncertainties to catch you off guard. Your family's [...]

August is National Make a Will Month2023-08-23T22:56:13+00:00

Ready to Flip? Improve Your Investment Property with These ROI-Friendly Tips 469954-1


Ready to Flip? Improve Your Investment Property with These ROI-Friendly Tips 469954-1 As an investor, you want to maximize your return on investment (ROI). But what are the best ways to improve the look and value of your property without breaking the bank? Wealth Planning by Bob Chitrathorn has compiled a list of tips and tricks that [...]

Ready to Flip? Improve Your Investment Property with These ROI-Friendly Tips 469954-12023-08-23T16:18:07+00:00

How Emotional and Behavioral Barriers May Impact Your Investing Decisions


How Emotional and Behavioral Barriers May Impact Your Investing Decisions Ah, Money. The word leaves you with a positive or a negative feeling when you hear it. The feeling we get from money, and investing, has deep roots inside our emotions, although we may not understand why. Behavioral science explains why we make our investment [...]

How Emotional and Behavioral Barriers May Impact Your Investing Decisions2024-03-28T19:55:29+00:00

It’s Never Too Late to Improve Your Financial Awareness


It's Never Too Late to Improve Your Financial Awareness    Financial education is constantly evolving. As investments, financial priorities, and the economy change, so do financial strategies and plans. To stay on top of your retirement and ensure that you are on your way toward your financial goals, it’s vital to keep up with your [...]

It’s Never Too Late to Improve Your Financial Awareness2023-07-18T16:56:20+00:00

August College Newsletter


August College Newsletter Hello, First, here are some fun August facts: Did you know that August was originally named Sextilis? That is why August is named after the Roman Emperor Augustus. Originally, August did not have 31 days. The Perseid Meteor Shower occurs in August. August has two birthstones: peridot and sardonyx. August also has [...]

August College Newsletter2023-08-08T16:08:54+00:00

Do You Know What Type of Investor You Are? 


Do You Know What Type of Investor You Are? Do you know the answer if your financial professional asks you what type of investor you are? While it may be challenging to classify yourself off the top of your head, knowing what type of investor you are might help you avoid making knee-jerk decisions that [...]

Do You Know What Type of Investor You Are? 2023-07-18T16:53:37+00:00

Contact Info

391 N. Main St. Suite 107 Corona, CA 92880

Phone: 951-465-6409

Bob Chitrathorn Providence Wealth Planning
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