Debt-to-Income RatioExplained


Debt-to-Income RatioExplained Debt-to-Income Ratio Explained If you’re considering purchasing a home, the debt-to-income ratio (DTI) is an important term to familiarize yourself with. Your DTI can ultimately make it easier or harder for you to qualify for a mortgage. So knowing your DTI can help you better understand how you can best move forward into [...]

Debt-to-Income RatioExplained2024-03-29T00:16:23+00:00

Retire in Style: Early Retirement and Estate Planning Strategies for Young Adults


Retire in Style: Early Retirement and Estate Planning Strategies for Young Adults Retirement and estate planning might feel like distant concepts for those in their 20s and 30s. Yet, starting early on these financial considerations can provide substantial benefits down the line. This comprehensive guide, courtesy of Bob Chitrathorn, offers valuable insights and strategies for [...]

Retire in Style: Early Retirement and Estate Planning Strategies for Young Adults2024-03-27T15:11:30+00:00

13 POTHOLES to Avoid on the Road to Retirement


13 POTHOLES to Avoid on the Road to Retirement 1.   NOT HAVING A MONTHLY BUDGET A budget is a spending plan based on your income and how much money you will spend over a set period, such as a month. Following a budget can help create financial stability because it provides an easy way to [...]

13 POTHOLES to Avoid on the Road to Retirement2024-03-22T16:05:12+00:00

Must-Know Retirement Deadlines


Must-Know Retirement Deadlines When can you access your savings without a penalty? When should you enroll in Medicare? At what age is it best to collect Social Security? In the years leading up to retirement, there are a number of key milestones and deadlines to consider. Without careful attention, it's easy to miss these checkpoints [...]

Must-Know Retirement Deadlines2024-03-19T00:33:30+00:00

Thriving Through Financial Stress: Lessons for High-Net-Worth Families


April is Stress Awareness Month, and there's no better time to reflect on and address the stressors that may impact our lives. Financial stress is an interesting challenge for high-net-worth individuals and families since most financial advice tends to be targeted toward those earning less. Instead, you need a tailored approach that acknowledges your specific [...]

Thriving Through Financial Stress: Lessons for High-Net-Worth Families2024-03-15T17:45:06+00:00

Maximizing Wealth: 5 Ways a Financial Professional May Help Propel High Earners Towards High-Net-Worth Status


The journey to prosperity involves more than just a high income. It requires strategic planning, wise investment decisions, and a keen understanding of your financial landscape. On Financial Professional Day, explore how working with a financial professional could be a game-changer on your path toward a higher net worth. Tailored Financial Planning One-size-fits-all approaches rarely [...]

Maximizing Wealth: 5 Ways a Financial Professional May Help Propel High Earners Towards High-Net-Worth Status2024-03-15T17:33:59+00:00

High-Net-Worth Retirement Planning: How Social Security Fits In


As high-net-worth (HNW) individuals approach their golden years, retirement planning often becomes a focal point of their financial strategies. One aspect of this planning that sometimes creates confusion or misinterpretation is the role of Social Security benefits. Understanding how Social Security fits into the retirement picture can be crucial for those with significant wealth as [...]

High-Net-Worth Retirement Planning: How Social Security Fits In2024-03-15T17:31:40+00:00

Protect Yourself from AI Fraud


Protect Yourself from AI Fraud As you navigate the digital landscape, it is important to be aware of the evolving fraud risks posed by Artificial Intelligence (AI). Scammers embrace AI because it enables them to analyze large amounts of data quickly, identify potential targets more efficiently, and personalize their scams to appear genuine, increasing the [...]

Protect Yourself from AI Fraud2024-03-08T17:10:59+00:00

How a Financial Advisor Can Help Lower Your Tax Bill


How a Financial Advisor Can Help Lower Your Tax Bill Careful tax planning throughout the year can put more money in your pocket. Tax planning is a vital part of any wealth management strategy, but reducing your tax burden isn’t always a straightforward process, especially for individuals with more complicated returns. Careful planning can help [...]

How a Financial Advisor Can Help Lower Your Tax Bill2024-03-04T13:36:20+00:00

Mitigating the Serious Risks of Over-Concentration


How financial professionals can help seasoned business executives For seasoned business executives, the allure of company stock can be undeniable. After years of dedication and hard work, owning a significant portion of one's company can seem like a well-deserved reward. However, over-concentration in company stock poses significant risks that can jeopardize an executive's financial security [...]

Mitigating the Serious Risks of Over-Concentration2024-03-01T19:22:29+00:00

Contact Info

391 N. Main St. Suite 107 Corona, CA 92880

Phone: 951-465-6409

Bob Chitrathorn Providence Wealth Planning
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